Co enzyme Q10 or ubiqinone is an oil soluble compound that is produced naturally in the body. Q10 as it is called for short is used in the body as an aid to the enzymes involved in energy generation in the body, it also cats a natural antioxidant to protect the skin from free radical damage.
Levels of Q10 in the body decreases as we get older, this means that our bodies have less protection against these “bad molecules” called free radicals that attack healthy body cells and organs.
In e skin, the most important proteins that ensure firmness and integrity of the skin are the Elastin and Collagen. When these cells are attacked by these free radials, compounds such as Q10, go in to protect these cells to ensure that they are not damaged irreparably.
As we get older combined with lower levels of Q10 in the body, the skin can start to quickly begin exhibiting signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging skin etc.
This is where topical application of Q10 is really important to help boost the levels of antioxidant activity to counter these negative effects.
Q10 can also help to even out the skin tone by blocking the tyrosinase enzyme which is responsible for producing melanin in the skin with use over time.
In essence, Q10 is a very valuable ingredient to incorporate into skin care to achieve healthy, firm and evenly toned skin.
Here are the benefits of CoQ10 in Skincare:
- Firmer, and more youthful looking skin.
- Anti aging
- Wrinkle reduction
- Evenly toned skin
If you need a good product that can help achieve all these, then..
This product can be paired favorably with Vitamin C with Tranexamic Acid Serum for people with dry skin types with great results!
Get in touch with us at BSN skincare products !
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Email: nkechi.ofoegbu@bareskinnaturals.com