
Topically applied vitamins are very fragile and can decompose and lose many of their beneficial qualities when exposed to oxygen, light or pollution.

Look for sealed packages that are specifically designed to protect the potency of products, as opposed to Vitamin- rich skincare products that are packaged in open containers such as jars or dropper bottles.


Vitamin A

  • Improves skin elasticity
  • increases moisture content, making skin appear more supple
  • Helps skin reverse signs of photo aging
  • Scavenges free radicals


vitamin a


Vitamin C

  • Plays  vital role in the production of pro collagen, the building blocks of collagen fibres
  • Controls production of hyperpigmentation
  • Scavenges free radicals
  • Strengthens capillary walls, helps heal the skin
  • Boosts skins immune system


Vitamin E

  • Protects skin cells and membranes
  • Controls production of collagen
  • Appears to promote skin healing
  • Relieves skin dryness
  • Slows collagen degradation
  • Anti inflammatory


vitamin e


Pro-vitamin B5

  • Encourages cell regeneration
  • Stimulates the healing process
  • Prevents scarring
  • Conditions the skin


Vitamin F

Also known as linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid EFA)

  • Anti inflammatory
  • Fights acne
  • Helps penetration of other active ingredients such as antioxidants
  • Restores the skins natural barrier function
  • Maintains optimum moisture levels


Vitamin B3

Also known as niacinamide

  • Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
  • Reduces scars
  • Helps to keep skin pores open
  • Helps to reduce water loss form the skin
  • Increases the production of collagen, keratin and ceramide
  • Reduces sebum production
  • Good for treating acne
  • Skin lightening properties


Categories: Helpful Tips


  1. Pls I want to train to become a cosmetologist. I found your blog informative and on point because i read all your post. The free lectures cut my interest and I know you are also good heart. Will be waiting for your kindly reply.

    1. Thank you Alberta, cosmetology is a broad field that involves hair, skin nails and expertise in skin and hair care products. You also need to be clear as to whether you want to be a cosmetologist and not a cosmetic chemist, as they are not quite the same. When you are clear, you can do your research to find a good school that can help you achieve that.
      I am a natural skincare formulator and I only offer workshops online, to individuals who are interested in learning the basics of natural skincare formulation.
      Once in a while, I would organize a live workshop and information will be sent out to everyone on the mailing list with regards to this.

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