So continuing on my intriguing voyage of discovering all the amazing benefits of orange peels and different ways we can use them in skincare, I decided to make an orange peel extract.

These are the steps I followed.

  • first, I peeled some oranges and allowed them to dry in the sun for about 2-3 daysimage
  • Next, I put them in a jar and poured 100% ethanol to cover the orange peels and then I covered with an airtight cover and let it sit on a warm sunny window for at least 2 weeks. ( I actually was so impatient to see the results and only waited for 1 week… this time)
  • Remember to shake everyday.
  • At the end of the period (usually at least 2 weeks from the time of infusion), you can separate the liquid from the peels using a muslin cloth.image
  • And now enjoy your very own orange peel extract.image

You can use your extract as a face toner for oily skin, however I am really not an advocate for using alcohol (ethanol) in skincare products, but if you must use alcohol infusions (tinctures)please do so at  not more than 5-10%!

Other solvents to use in place of alcohol are glycerin, apple cider vinegar or water or a combination of these. Water infusions can only be made overnight because of the risk of contamination and are usually not that strong, but might be a useful replacement for water in the water phase of your formulations.

Also you might also need a filter paper to remove very fine particles from your extract after the initial separation with muslin cloth. A coffe filter paper or a lab filter paper will do.

Join me next week as I explore even more on how to make powdered orange peel extracts and use it in my weekly face mask.

please share your thoughts and comments below…


Categories: Helpful Tips

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